Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) Test


Test Description

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a minimally invasive diagnostic procedure that involves using a thin needle to collect a sample of cells or fluid from a suspicious area of the body, such as a lump or mass

The sample is then examined under a microscope by a pathologist to determine if the cells are cancerous or benign

FNAC is a quick, cheap, and accurate method of diagnosis when used appropriately

Indications of the Test

FNAC is indicated in any situation where a tissue or fluid sample would aid in diagnosis

 It is commonly used to investigate suspicious lumps or masses in various parts of the body, including the breast, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, and other organs
It can also be used to diagnose cysts and other fluid-filled lumps

Patient Preparation/Instructions

There is no special preparation required for FNAC

Patients may be asked to avoid taking blood-thinning medications before the procedure if they are  anticoagulated
 The healthcare provider performing the procedure should ensure that sterile technique is used to minimize the risk of infection

Typical Reference Values

There are no typical reference values for FNAC as it is a diagnostic test used to determine the presence or absence of cancerous or benign cells

Turnaround Time

The turnaround time for FNAC results varies depending on the laboratory and the complexity of the case

Patients should expect to receive their results within a few days to a week

Order This Test

Patients can order the Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology test by clicking the “Order Test” button and adding it to their cart. The test can be performed in a doctor’s office or at an outpatient clinic

If patients have any questions or concerns about the test, they should speak with their healthcare provider.
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