Histology for Biopsies and Surgical Specimens (Small Specimen)



Test Description

Histology for biopsies and surgical specimens is a laboratory test that involves the microscopic examination of tissue samples to study the structure and function of the body in disease. It helps in arriving at an accurate diagnosis by correlating the microscopic findings with the clinical history and presentation of the patient.

Histological examination is particularly important in cancer diagnosis.

(Small specimen – 1-5 blocks)

Indications of the Test

This test is indicated when a patient undergoes a biopsy or a surgical procedure, and there is a need to examine the tissue at a microscopic level to diagnose or understand a disease condition. It is essential for the proper diagnosis and management of various medical conditions, including cancer, inflammatory diseases, and infectious diseases.

Patient Preparation/Instructions

Patients do not need to undertake any specific preparation for this test. The collection of the tissue sample is performed during a biopsy or surgical procedure by the healthcare provider.

Typical Reference Values

The typical reference values for this test are based on the microscopic examination of the tissue sample and are specific to the type of tissue and the condition being evaluated. The results are interpreted by a pathologist and are provided in the pathology report.

Turnaround Time

The turnaround time for this test varies depending on the specific laboratory and the nature of the tissue sample. In general, it may take a few days to a week to complete the histological processing and provide the final report.

Order This Test

To order this test, please click the “Order Test” button and add it to the cart. The tissue samples obtained during a biopsy or surgical procedure will be sent to the laboratory for histological examination. Proper handling and transportation of the specimens are essential to ensure accurate results.

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